Casting Bars

Casting Bars
EngineRPG Maker MZ
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RPG Maker Web
Adds a casting bar when using the Time Progress Battle System. The casting bar will only show up when you use a skill with a negative speed. Without this plugin you see their TPB bar stay full and essentially have no visual cue when using skills with negative speed.

A visual indicator for skills with negative speed.
Customisable bar colours and position.

How to Use
Place the plugin in your project's js/plugins/ folder.
Inside RPG Maker MZ's editor, open the Plugin Manager.
Create a new entry and select this plugin from the list.
Customise the options to your liking and then click ok.

Q: How do I make a skill need casting time?
A: In the skill section of the database, there is a section labelled "Invocation," the first option is speed, skills with a negative speed will have a casting time or preparation time.

Q: I did that but the skill just goes last in the turn, there is no casting bar.
A: This plugin only works with the Time Progress Battle System. In the database, go to the System 1 tab and change battle system to either of the Time-Progess options.